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Success Seminar Leader and Keynote Speaker

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Success Seminar Leader and Keynote Speaker

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Rhonda brings real-world experiences into every success seminar and speaking engagement. Her expertise spans Dale Carnegie corporate training, public speaking, military leadership and timeless revered principles honed over many years.

Leaders walk away with newly inspired self-confidence and communication skills to tackle barriers that block visions. Most importantly, leaders unlock their full potential by understanding success through the mind of a leader.


Release Your Inner Leader -

Think, Create, & Generate Your Success

Empowering Current and NEXTGEN Leaders!

These sessions with Rhonda dives deep into her signature framework: THINK / CREATE / GENERATE. Learn how to harness the power of your mind by leading with vision.

·THINK with WISDOM: Discover how to tap into your wealth of experience and insights to fuel your leadership journey.

·CREATE a VISION: Transform your imagination into a tangible roadmap for success.

·GENERATE a DECISION: Make powerful choices aligned with your Beliefs, Values, and Attributes (BVAs).

Leaders are shaped by their thoughts, empowered by vision, and driven by decisive action. In these sessions, you will:

·Understand the critical role of mindset in leadership success.

·Develop a clear vision to guide your dreams and achieve your goals.

·Learn a framework for making confident decisions based on your core values.

Walk away with the tools and strategies to:

·Become a more intentional and impactful leader.

·Inspire and motivate your dreams.

·Achieve your full leadership potential.

Don't let your leadership potential remain dormant!


1.Confident Communication for Visionary Leadership: Leaders will be able to communicate a clear vision with increased self-confidence and refined communication skills.

2.Overcoming Vision Roadblocks: Leaders will identify and dismantle internal and external barriers hindering their visions.

3.Unlocking Leadership Potential Through The Mind of a Leader: Leaders will be equipped with a deeper understanding of "The Mind of a Leader," and walk away with a roadmap to unlock their full potential.


This was the second book that I have enjoyed so much that I deliberately read at a slower pace just to take it all in and appreciate..." "Rhonda does an excellent job of providing biblical reference and life application to establish the importance of daily affirmations!"
Monica V. Womack, CEO, Blue Violet Productions
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